Fish & Melon Micro AquaBioBioponics

Fish & Melon Micro AquaBioBioponics Late Summer Season 2016. After a busy spring and summer AquaBioPonics growing season, we are experimenting a full bloom late summer season cultivating just honeydew melon in the hydroponic clay grow bed.

So far the results of Fish & Melon Micro AquaBioBioponics are far and beyond expectations. The honeydew plants are growing awesome. We have counted more than 15 fruits in full development in the grow bed. The growing experiment has less than 1 and ½ months. The grow bed has a dimension of 4 ft x 3 ft.

Fish & Melon Micro AquaBioBioponics
                                   Fish & Melon Micro AquaBioBioponics

“Honeydew and other melons are part of the cucurbitaceae (gourd) family, which is divided into fruits (melons) and vegetables (squashes, pumpkins, and cucumbers). Cantaloupe and honeydew are related fruits.”

“Whether enjoyed fresh or added to a fruit salad, honeydew delivers iron, B, C vitamins, Potassium, Fiber and essential nutrients.”

“One cup of cubed honeydew provides 34 percent of the recommended daily intake of vitamin C.Vitamin C has the antioxidant ability to neutralize the toxins in form of free radicals.”

“Free radicals are the natural byproduct of normal chemical processes, but they damage cells if they’re not neutralized by an antioxidant such as vitamin C. “

“Your body also needs vitamin C for the synthesis of collagen, which is used to support blood vessels, ligaments and skin.””
(Source: Wikipedia).

AquaBioPonics Food Prodution Systems, developed by Prof. Aecio D’Silva, is the synergistic sustainable integration (mutualistic symbiotic relationships) among Aquaculture + Hydroponics + rainwater collection + beneficial insects and bacteria + vermiculture + organic gardening + small animals + wind and solar energy + biofertilizers + biofuels and other components for production high quality organic food.

Portugues sumário: Safra de Peixe & Melão Micro AquaBioBioponics de Final de Verão em 2016.

Depois de uma temporada de primavera e verão AquaBioPonics bastante produtiva, estamos experimentando cultivar no final de verão somente melão na câmera hidropônica. Até agora os resultados estão além das expectativas. As plantas estão crescendo muito bem. Temos contado mais de 15 frutos em pleno desenvolvimento. O experimento de cultivo tem menos 1 e ½ meses. A câmara hidropônica tem uma dimensão de 1,2 m x 0,93 m.

Sistemas AquaBioPonics de Produção de Alimentos, desenvolvido pelo Prof. Aécio D’Silva, é a integração sustentável sinergética (relações simbióticas mutualistas) entre Aquicultura + Hidroponia + coleta de águas pluviais + insetos e bactérias benéficas + vermicultura + jardinagem orgânica + animais de pequeno porte + energia eólica e solar + biofertilizantes + biocombustíveis entre outros componentes para a produção de alimentos orgânicos de alta qualidade..

See video of Fish & Melon Micro AquaBioBioponics below