AquaBioPonics – Power of Making Your Own Food

 AquaBioPonics – Power of Making Your Own Food. It’s Tilapia and Melon Harvesting Time in the MSABP Showing Practical Results of The Power of Making Your Own Food!

 AquaBioPonics Produzindo Tilápias
AquaBioPonics Yielding Tilápias

It’s middle fall in the north hemisphere! It’d time to harvest Melon and Tilapia from the Micro AquaBioPonics Systems – MSABP and prepare for winter season. AquaBioPonics Food Productions Systems developed by Prof. Aecio D’Silva make possible every person and any place even in floating vessels to raise his/her own organic-sustainable food.

AquaBioPonics O Poder de Produzir Seu Próprio Alimento
AquaBioPonics the Power of Making Your Own Food!

Micro AquaBioPonics’ basic design (composed of a fish tank and grown beds – using as platform an IBC tote) enable the maximization of small areas and zero emission. These characteristics qualify them to be used also as a highly efficient education tools. Students will have the opportunity to learn, study and experiment a live sciences lab in their classrooms.

The micro version with media and tubular hydroponics beds, MSABP, could deliver 50-75 lettuces heads every 28-35 days and 50-70 lbs of fish (mostly Tilapia) twice a year. If the producer wishes, he/she can diversify the vegetable production dividing the grown beds in four sections and planting one or two kinds in each section.

The major differentiation between AquaBioPonics and aquaponics systems is that MSABP is developed to integrate with other terrestrial systems make it like an AquaBioPonics mandala like system.

AquaBioPonics Mostrando Resultados
AquaBioPonics Showing Results

In reality, AquaBioPonics Food Production Systems is the synergistic sustainable integration (mutualistic symbiotic relationships) among Aquaculture + Hydroponics + rainwater collection + beneficial insects and bacteria + vermiculture + organic gardening + small animals + wind and solar energy + biofertilizers + biofuels and other components for production high quality organic food.

 See below video about Showing Practical Results of AquaBioPonics – Power of Making Your Own Food
